
We are open Monday through Friday, starting at 8:00 am.  Lunch will be served at 12:00 noon.   Please check the calendar for activities, special events and lunch menu.

 Drivers needed for Home Delivered Meals.  Call Elaine at 724-938-3554 Ext. 103 for information!

Event rentals are now being accepted!  Call Elaine at 724-938-3554, Ext. 103 for details!

Board of Directors

Board MemberOffice
Richard Kuppelweiser President
Dr. Richard Hart Vice President
Virginia Stringer Treasurer
Jim Gwyer Secretary
Hon. Mike Lucas  
Louis Panza  
Barry Niccolai  
Rev. Dawn Hargraves  
Judy Moore  
Melanie Lejohn  



This is an Equal Opportunity Program, Provider & Employer.   Discrimination is prohibited by Federal law. Complaints of discrimination may be filed with: The Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.