
We are open Monday through Friday, starting at 8:00 am.  Lunch will be served at 12:00 noon.   Please check the calendar for activities, special events and lunch menu.

 Drivers needed for Home Delivered Meals.  Call Elaine at 724-938-3554 Ext. 103 for information!

Event rentals are now being accepted!  Call Elaine at 724-938-3554, Ext. 103 for details!


Being a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of others and every donation,
being big or small, helps.

Below is a list of some ways you can contribute to the Center In The Woods and feel good knowing you are helping others:

     * Remember a loved one who has passed away by a monetary donation in lieu
           of flowers.
     * Donate usable craft supplies such as scissors, glue or glue sticks, poster board,
           construction paper, water soluble paints, paint brushes, etc.
      * Donate bedding plants and/or seeds for the flower gardens.

      * The love of music makes is possible for us to accept any CD's or audio tapes,
           especially the big band sounds, songs from the '50's or polkas.
      * Any and all gift cards where any of the above items could be purchased.



This is an Equal Opportunity Program, Provider & Employer.   Discrimination is prohibited by Federal law. Complaints of discrimination may be filed with: The Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.